Coronavirus Update #2 - April 18, 2020

Dear Friends, Three weeks ago, I sent out some initial thoughts about the Coronavirus and how it was impacting our housing market here in Denver. Since then, there have been many new developments and we remain in a very fluid situation. In fact, as I write this on Saturday morning, the Governor’s first “stay at home” order is set to expire in eight days. My personal opinion is that the order is more likely to be modified than lifted, but I do think we will start taking steps to re-start the Colorado economy soon. On the front lines, we’ve had nurses, doctors and first responders acting heroically. But we’ve also seen a different kind of heroism from shelf stockers, truck drivers and cashiers. It takes courage to get up and face the public every day when we’re being told the world is full of carriers, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, and that we’re one sneeze or cough away from catching a virus with no effective treatment and no...