Coronavirus Update #3 - May 9, 2020

Dear Friends, Happy Saturday evening – and Happy Mother’s Day (in advance) to all those wonderful moms out there! As most of you know, today launched the official “Safer at Home” phase of Denver’s Coronavirus response. Since late March, we have essentially been under a series of rotating/adjusted/realigned/new-and-improved “Stay at Home” orders that either did-or-did-not allow buyers to view homes, did-or-did-not allow under contract homes to proceed to closing, did-or-did-not allow inspections and appraisals, and did-or-did-not allow agents to do anything other than order takeout, do lots of yardwork and facilitate occasional Zoom calls. It's been clear as mud with more twists than the Mind Eraser (gratuitous Elitch Gardens reference for those of you old enough to remember when theme parks were a thing). Coming out of the “Stay at Home” order, we now have Covid-19 Buyer Addendums, Covid-19 Seller Addendums, and Covid-19 Contract Addendums. If ...